[Words written on 8/11 1:00 am, after i finished packing my luggage]
it is the last night in UCONN, and so many scenes are flashing into my mind...
the first time we met,
the simple busy daily life (homeworks, dining hall, exercise...),
and so many wonderful trips:)
i bet my english has improved, but there is MORE than that----i met you guys. we talked and laughed, and we created these sweet happy memories together♥
i was shy, and it was you, the four mentors, An⋯⋯
nabelle and Maye, that stayed with me and helped me have fun.
i didn't have much confidence in myself, and it was you, my teachers, that encouraged me to speak, to talk, and not to be afraid of making mistakes. (although i didn't get an honor award, but i know the honor is always in my mind!)
i wasn't good at making friends, and it was you, all of my friends, both from taiwan and from other countries, that chatted with me and made me feel that i am good, i can be friends with many people!
i love you all, and i'm sure i'll miss you very much!
(i tried my best to tell my thoughts in english, but you know there is more feelings than that! i'm still better at chinese than english><"
[Words written on the plane]
台灣時間8/12 11:46 記於亂流中的飛機上XD
這是我一個月以來第一次吃鰻魚飯!雖然不那麼好吃,但相較一整個月的American junk food,這簡直是極品!
我猜我大概至少一個月不會再吃速食(麥當勞、冰淇淋etc),來美國四周以來最懷念的就是台灣美食了!特別是媽咪煮的! ♥
i didn't have much confidence in myself, and it was you, my teachers, that encouraged me to speak, to talk, and not to be afraid of making mistakes. (although i didn't get an honor award, but i know the honor is always in my mind!)
i wasn't good at making friends, and it was you, all of my friends, both from taiwan and from other countries, that chatted with me and made me feel that i am good, i can be friends with many people!
i love you all, and i'm sure i'll miss you very much!
(i tried my best to tell my thoughts in english, but you know there is more feelings than that! i'm still better at chinese than english><"
[Words written on the plane]
台灣時間8/12 11:46 記於亂流中的飛機上XD
這是我一個月以來第一次吃鰻魚飯!雖然不那麼好吃,但相較一整個月的American junk food,這簡直是極品!
我猜我大概至少一個月不會再吃速食(麥當勞、冰淇淋etc),來美國四周以來最懷念的就是台灣美食了!特別是媽咪煮的! ♥